Jennifer Daniel

Certified Life and Fitness Coach


Nutrition/Weight Loss Career: Jennifer Daniel recognized at an early age the quality of her life improved with a healthy lifestyle and diet. With this awareness, at the tender age of only 20, she felt inspired to motivate others and began counseling adults on their eating and nutrition habits, as well as encouraging them to stick to their weight loss goals at Weight Loss Clinics in the East Valley for 4 years. She made such an impact on the weight loss clinics staff and members she was quickly promoted to Center Manager at the tender age of 21 and later a top performing Program Director in the Southwest for Jenny Craig Weight Loss Clinics.
Finance Career: Not long after these successes she had a detour in her weight loss career and found herself immersed in the world of "high pressure sales” and the handling of other people’s finances. This journey lasted for nearly 14 years! Jennifer could not escape from realizing that the quality of her life and her health had diminished due to always prioritizing her career over her own health and happiness, which led to a very miserable life.  
Personal Journey: The consequences for the lifestyle she chose to live led her to being a divorced, depressed,  and confused individual. Healthy thinking and relationships were elusive at this time in Jennifer's life, which forced her to do some serious soul searching. She began investigating Life Coaching which focused on investigating her core values helping her to realize she was not living a life congruent with her personal integrity. She desired to change, but lacked the knowledge to do so. As she continued to work with Life Coaches this led her to the answers she needed and miracles began to occur in her life. 
Life Coaching Career: As her life improved she wanted to to help others overcome the same dilemma of misguided thinking and know...that you must live a lifestyle congruent with your values to find happiness. During Jennifer's first 5 years as a Life Coach many of her Life Coaching clients predominant issues involved their weight, body image, self-esteem, energy levels and health concerns. When investigated further Jennifer helped her clients recognize the impact of poor eating and a lack of physical activity were negatively effecting the quality of their life - from their intimate relationships, their management of their parenting, finances, home, etc. With each and every client she “coached” there was always the ever present struggle with making the time to workout, not to mention actually enjoying it or sticking with it for any length of time! Jennifer knew there had to be an answer to this common dilemma.
Fitness: When the opportunity was presented to be a Fitness Trainer of an outdoor Boot Camp Jennifer was fulfilling her life dream and passion of helping people to be successful, healthy and happy by coaching her clients to change their bodies and lives and making friends and having the greatest time of her life working out! The workouts, although VERY difficult, were super fun, invigorating and addictive. This had a great personal impact on Jennifer's life. Over the course of 16 years, Jennifer logged over 12,000 hours of Group FItness Training training. She personally trained over 8,000 amazing people who became like a second family to her. One of her greatest accomplishments as a fitness coach was obtaining her certifications as a Corrective Exercise Specialist. This knowledge set her a part from other trainers as she corrects imbalances as well as chronic and acute injuries and help to put them back in the game of life! There is no price tag you can place on a fit, healthy and whole body!
Life Purpose: "Love They Neighbor as Thyself": Each aspect of Jennifer’s career paths, individually were invaluable, combined as a whole, they were powerful beyond words. She was able to practice what she believed which is to "love your neighbor as thyself." The ultimate gift in anyone's life is to find happiness and Jennifer had found this. Naturally, when you are living your life in accordance with your values you will attract people into your life who share your same values and unlimited possibilities emerge in your life!
Jennifer Commitment to her Boot Camp Family: Jennifer truly loves her clients. She loves being available on a personal and group level each day. She feels the desire to help others can be increased by sharing wisdom she has learned along her own path in life, as well as sharing in the wisdom, joy and love she experiences from each of her members.
Jennifer's Special Invitation: "I invite anyone who is looking for happiness, health, and strong connections with their loved ones, as well as discovering the gift of true self-acceptance and love of life and others to book your 30 minute FREE COACHING SESSION NOW and so you too can begin to live, "My Perfect Life Now!" I look forward to meeting and working out with you!"

 Jennifer Daniel, CLC, CFT  (480)570-2800 My Perfect Life Now

Copyright © 2005-2024 by Jennifer Daniel, My Perfect Life Now - All Rights Reserve

My Perfect Body Now  (480)570-2800

Copyright © 2005-2022 by Jennifer Martin, CFT CLC CCES

My Perfect Body Now, LLC - All Rights Reserved